Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Open House Scavenger Hunt!

It's hard to beleive that summer is nearing an end and that I have to start thinking about going back to school.  I was thinking about all of those back to school things that I need to accomplish or get copied.  (Although it's way more fun looking at all the ideas on everyone's blogs!) 

Our school has an Open House prior to the students starting.  It's an informal night where the parents and students can come in to the school, find their classroom, meet the teacher and their classmates.  There is no presentation involved, just an informal meet and greet.  To help the parents and students feel a little more comfortable on this night, I place a scavenger hunt just outside the classroom door.  Each student takes one before coming in to the classroom.  Right away they know what to do and don't feel awkward or look lost, wandering aimlessly around.

Click on the picture to get your own Open House Scavenger Hunt.  :)


Cindy Solomon

Very cute Cindy. :-)


This is cute! We have the same kind of open house where parents come in from 6-8pm. There are moments when the room is empty or you have one parent come in and there are times where 4 or 5 come in and I am trying to get to everyone. Sometimes there are parents who want to stand and talk and I love meeting them but I feel so rude to the other parents who are waiting. A LOT of my parents take the papers home to fill out since they had to work all day, or have several children and have to go to thier rooms, or are limited english speaking so they need help translating to fill them out. I LOVE your idea! What kind of graph do they fill out? Thanks

Tales of a Third Grade


I just found your blog and it looks awesome! I do a scavenger hunt too, and it really is a great idea!

Kylie Capshaw

Nice! Scavenger Hunt is always fun, especially if many people are playing it. Since this has been posted a few months ago, how did it go?

Kylie Capshaw

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